Suzumiya Haruhi S2 - 11-12
Suzumiya Haruhi S2 - 11
Suzumiya Haruhi S2 - 12
Nothing really really happened in this episode I just find it entertaining how Haruhi abuses Asahina. Oh and I also enjoy seeing Haruhi get pissed off when Mikuru offered Kyon a drink and I get to see Yuki in her witch costume again. To be honest sometimes I find Haruhi's bossy attitude irritating but I still like her since I think she's just a misunderstood teenager that needs attention.
I really like this episode more than the previous one since it's really amusing to watch Yuki. The Mikuru Beam part was really interesting since we get to see Yuki in action. I'm really hoping that the animation would be really grand when Mikuru would fire a different kind of beam again next episode. Btw, I cringed whenever I see Yuki's burns.
Suzumiya Haruhi S2 - 12
Episode 11
Nothing really really happened in this episode I just find it entertaining how Haruhi abuses Asahina. Oh and I also enjoy seeing Haruhi get pissed off when Mikuru offered Kyon a drink and I get to see Yuki in her witch costume again. To be honest sometimes I find Haruhi's bossy attitude irritating but I still like her since I think she's just a misunderstood teenager that needs attention.
Yipee!! next episode we'll get to see more Yuki!
Episode 12
I really like this episode more than the previous one since it's really amusing to watch Yuki. The Mikuru Beam part was really interesting since we get to see Yuki in action. I'm really hoping that the animation would be really grand when Mikuru would fire a different kind of beam again next episode. Btw, I cringed whenever I see Yuki's burns.
In this episode Kyon was able to stand against Haruhi and that's a good thing since Haruhi is already quite irritating. This arc, we'll get to see a more assertive Kyon and a more obnoxious Haruhi and I'm really interested to see more of it get animated..............*spoiler* (specially the part when Kyon was about to hit Haruhi with his fist).
Waaa!! I miss you Tsuruya-san good thing we get to see her again. I missed her animation shorts from You Tube. Smoked Cheese~~!!!
until then...