
Friday, March 27, 2009

Rideback Episode 11

The BMA looks to even the score. GGP 1, Team Ogata 1
Anguished over Suzuri's death last week, Rin and her clubmates try to cope up with the loss in their own ways while the top BMA instigators prepare to launch a full scale assault. However, the GGP won't go down easily, as they introduce an entirely new kind of RideBack, a fully automated one.... and use it against our heroes.

To say that this week's episode is awesome is an understatement. In fact, it's coolness rating is off the scale, especially the last 5 minutes or so. Rin transitions from emo mode to being the heroine she became famous for. I don't really think the automated RideBacks will prevail. Contrary to what others think, Tamayo and Rin are too good for those computers. They won't fall. Moreover, a lot of BMA guys have their death flags raised. This includes all the goons, but not Okakura and Kiefer. The next episode will be a bloodbath. I'm sure of it.

Honestly, Suzuri's death was not executed really well. For me it seemed rushed and it looked as if she only died to fuel Rin's morale. The fact that Suzuri is a minor, one-dimensional character who just happened to be Rin's friend does not make her death scene all that traumatic. Yea it may hit you like a truck the first time you see it, but after a week, it turns into "Meh", considering she didn't "die" but was just used to advance a plot. In short, Suzuri was a tool. .. But if it takes a tool to kickstart Rin Ogata's depleted fighting spirit, so be it. Fortunately, the series is going back to the action packed mode I love. They should keep it up until the end!

PS: I like how Rin looks this week. It must be her clothes.

Stay tuned

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