
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Eden of the East 11


A fitting way to end Season 1. I must say I was impressed that they didn't fuck it up. On the contrary, it fucking kicked ass. Takizawa certainly looked more-than-human in this episode despite his over-the-top "bang" gestures. Is he the next Messiah? I dunno. Ask Mousavi.

So "Careless Monday 2" just got thwarted. Takizawa is the new King of Japan and he just ran out of money. What's next? The last 2 episodes of this series made me really interested. Good thing there's a movie planned to follow this up as the story itself is nowhere near finished. The final act could've looked better as a movie anyway. Imagine, the thwarting of Careless Monday 2 as a separate plot in its own? Worthy of an action flick, isn't it? Well, all I can do now is wait.

Stay tuned.

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