
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 episode 2

Sisterly love?

I had to put this entry out first because episode 2 fucking rocks. I don't know why so many fucktards are orgasming with that Canaan shit when the true gem is right underneath their noses. No, it's not as if Frank Mir had a horseshoe up his ass and it took Brock Lesnar just over 7 minutes to turn him into a bleeding, humiliated pulp. This episode really hit all the right notes. The way a desperate Mirai looked for Yuuki with no regard for her own safety strikes some raw nerves with most of the audience.

For one, this show is successful in drawing my interest. Their situation is fucked up. It's a total disaster zone and the fate of their parents is unknown...But Mirai at least is still unbowed. While disaster anime is quite common, this one concentrates not on the dystopia just yet, but on what really happens moments after zero hour. Furthermore, a giant earthquake is just as likely to happen to my land as to theirs, so there's added realism. After all, we all share the same fault line--and I've felt one myself, wherein I just thought I was dizzy until I saw the paintings tilt to one direction. Earthquakes are never pleasant, people. I tell you that.

This will be on my watch list. Thanks noitamina for coming up with something engaging.

Stay tuned.

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